Understanding Prayer: What It Is, Why We Do It and How We Should Do It

Prayer is an essential part of any Christian’s life.

But what is prayer and how should we do it?  Does God really hear us and answer our prayers?

These are some of the questions we will answer in this article along with many others.

The objective of this article is to teach what the Bible says about prayer and to provide a Biblical foundation for how to come to God in prayer.

However, the important thing to remember is that all prayer is good.  Never hesitate to pray because you are afraid that you might be doing it wrong.

Come to God in faith, with a humble and repentant heart and he will hear you.

But, as we mature in our walk with God, our prayer methods should also grow more mature.

Let’s get started.

The Eight Covenants of God


Learning how God thinks is important to every follower of Jesus and should be one of our key objectives as we study the Bible. After all, how can we please God if we don’t know what pleases him and, just as importantly, what displeases him?

And a good way to increase our understanding of what God wants from us and how God thinks is to understand his covenants with mankind. The types of blessings he promises and what demands he makes in return.

In this article, we’ll describe the eight covenants God has made with mankind, starting with the covenant with Adam in the Garden of Eden and ending with the New Covenant he made through Jesus Christ.

Giving to the Lord Part 4: Where to Give

Where to Give


In part 1 of this 4-part series on giving, we explored what the Bible said about giving.  You can read Part 1 here.

In part 2, we discussed how much to give.  You can read Part 2 here.

In part 3, we discussed how to get started giving.  You can read Part 3 here.

In this, the fourth and final article of the series, we’ll discuss where you should give.

Let’s get started.


Giving to the Lord Part 3: Getting Started With Our Giving

Getting Started Giving-1

This is the third part in a four-part series on how followers of Jesus Christ should give to support God’s work.

In Part 1, we looked at what the Bible said about tithing and giving.  We learned that the laws God gave to Moses required the ancient Israelites to give one tenth of their crops and flocks to God.  Under the new Covenant, there is no firm percentage requirement for giving.  Instead, we are instructed to give generously and sacrificially.  You can read Part 1 here.

In Part 2, we established how much we should give.  Based on the Mosaic Laws and two pre-Moses voluntary tithing examples, we learned that 10 percent is what God thinks is appropriate to support his work.  Thus, although there is no formal giving percentage requirement under the New Covenant, 10 percent, the tithe, is still the golden benchmark and the goal we should strive for as followers of Jesus. You can read Part 2 here.

In this, the third part, we’ll explore how to get started giving.

The first thing you need to do is get your thinking right.  To get the right mindset about giving.

Let’s get started.

Giving To the Lord Part 2: How Much Should We Give?

How Much to Give

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at what the Bible said about giving and tithing. The ancient Israelites were required by God’s Law to give one tenth of their crops and flocks to God. In the New Covenant, there is no percentage requirement for giving. Instead, we are instructed to give generously and sacrificially from what God has given us. You can read Part 1 here.

In this part, we’ll establish the amount that followers of Jesus Christ should give to support God’s work, based on Biblical teachings.

The 3 Steps to Receiving Jesus’ Free Gift of Salvation

Receiving Gift of Salvation


If you are a Christian, do you know for certain that you are saved?  Are you absolutely sure that, if you died today, you would go to heaven and live with Jesus for eternity?

If you can’t answer these two questions with an honest and resounding “YES!” then you need to stop everything and immediately take the steps outlined in this article to receive God’s free gift of salvation.

And for those just coming to Christ and wishing to become followers of Jesus Christ, the first step is to be saved.

Salvation is a gift, a free gift from God to all of mankind, Jews and Gentiles alike.  Salvation cannot be earned through good works or good deeds.  This is a misconception that many Christians have.  We do good works because we are saved, not to earn our salvation.  Paul makes this quite clear when he says: